Presentations and Talks

During the fair there will be different presentations and talks.

During the weekend of the fair, the following activities will take place:

Networking session: “Connecting craft and commerce.” Friday from 5 PM to 8 PM at the Centre Artesà de la Torneria.
Presentation of the Guilleries Award 2022: “Climate refuges for aquatic fauna of les Guilleries” by the authors. Friday at 7 PM in the Sala Noble.
Inauguration of the fair and talk “From craftsmanship to industry. The turning in Sant Hilari Sacalm (1930-1981)” by Pep Molist. Saturday at 10 AM in the Sala Noble.
Talk “Songs and dances of les Guilleries” by Àngels Busquets. Saturday at 12 PM in Plaça Jacint Verdaguer.
Opening of the Solterra garden – senior co-housing project. Saturday at 12 PM at Solterra.