The shield
This is the current shield of the village. It is a shield made up of four squares, all of them related to Sant Hilari’s figures and history. The surroundings of these squares are all adorned, as well as the count's crown at the top.

The first box, with yellow background and a red hill with a lily flower at the top, belongs to the Gurb family, the wealthiest in the town.
The second box, red with a yellow lion, is said to belong to the Queralt family.
The white box, with two royal peacocks stepping on their tails, belongs to the Paba family.
Finally, the yellow box, with a blue hill and a lily flower on top, may belong to the Sarriera family.
Another well-known symbol from Sant Hilari is the guilla, the fox. This image is very typical and people have it stuck on their cars. The image was created by Josep Fàbregas, a member of the festival committee in the late 1960s.