A literary route
Walk through various parts of the town to read relevant texts in each place, some of them because of their literary quality and, some others, because of their content or their connection with the place which inspired it.

This literary route allows you to get closer and get to know the origin of the text, either for the writer’s relation with the environment or as a source of inspiration.
On the other hand, it wants to be a well-deserved tribute to all those who have written about Sant Hilari, thus making our town known and allowing us to understand why the population of nowadays is like we know it.
The name “A literary route” is after the large number of texts referring to our town, all of great importance, and the route is only a small section of it. Therefore, the tribute wants to be, not only to the authors of the texts selected, but also to all that people who have written about our town and the ones who have helped the authors editing and publishing them.
We are talking about Víctor Balaguer, Santiago Rusiñol, Francesc Carreres i Candi, Jacint Verdaguer, Anton Busquets i Punset, Àngel Guimerà and Prudenci Bertrana for their writings, and other important people such as Josep Ximeno, Frederic Culí, Xavi Clos, Vernedes, Francesc Danés, Antoni Pladevall, Àngel Serradesanferm, Fina Duran…
The route starts close to the church, since it is the place where Sant Hilari, as a town, was born and where the first houses were built, so it has been a source of inspiration for all those authors who deserve a place in the local history.